Enska/Lærðu ensku 1/Svör

Answer Key (Svör)

Listening (Hlustun)


1. Spurning: Good evening. —— Svar: Good Evening.
2. Spurning: How are you? —— Svar: I'm fine/good/all right/bad.
3. Spurning: Where do you come from? —— Svar: I come from Iceland/America/Britain/Australia.
4. Spurning: What is your name? —— Svar: My name is ____.
5. Spurning: Have a good trip! —— Svar: Thank you/Bye.

Translation (Þýðing)


1. Good day, Good afternoon
2. I am
3. I am from Iceland
4. Thank you, Thanks
5. How are you? How do you do?
6. What is your name?
7. You are
8. He
9. You're welcome, No problem, No worries, Cheers
10. Bye, Goodbye, Farewell, So long

Contractions (Samdrættir)


Directions: Styttu tvö orðið í einu samdráttum.
1. We're
2. It's
3. I'm
4. You're all
5. They're
6. You're
7. She's
8. He's

Culture (Menning)


1. Mr. Williams 2. Eric 3. Mr. Bradley 4. Mr. Jones
5. Mrs. Taylor
6. Ms. eða Miss Thompson
7. Alexandra
8. Mr. President

Listening (Hlustun)



Translation (Þýðing)


1. I am an Icelander, I am Icelandic, I´m an Icelander, I´m Icelandic
2. I´m sorry, Sorry, Excuse me, Forgive me
3. The boy is German
4. He speaks French
5. We live in New York
6. I speak some English
7. Do you speak Danish? You speak Danish?
8. Please
9. The woman speaks Korean, The woman knows Korean
10. Have a good trip!

Articles (Greinir)


1. a girl, the girl
2. a cat, the cat
3. a dog, the dog
4. a person, the person
5. an animal, the animal
6. an American, the American
7. an Icelander, the Icelander
8. a man, the man
9. a woman, the woman
10. an Italian, the Italian

Reading (Lestur)

Hello! My name is Roger. I am an American, and I live
in Italy. I live in Rome. I speak English and Italian. 
I also know a little Spanish. Goodbye!

1. Hann heitir Roger
2. Hann býr á Ítalíu (eða Róm)
3. Hann er amerískur
4. Hann kann 3 tungumál
5. Hann talar ensku, ítölsku, og spænsku

Mathematics (Stærðfræði)


1. one + eight = nine
2. two + four = six
3. nine - eight = one
4. three + twelve = fifteen
5. nineteen + one = twenty
6. fifteen - seven = eight
7. sixteen + four = twenty
8. nine + ten = nineteen
9. twenty - eighteen = two
10. eleven + five = sixteen

Calendar (Tímatal)


February, March, June, July, August, November, December



1. I am at the _________________
2. I am at the _________________
3. I am at the _________________
4. I am at the _________________
5. I am at the _________________
6. I am at the _________________



1. Her cat
2. John's animal. The animal of John.
3. Chris' street. The street of Chris.
4. Your hotel.
5. Our fathers' stores. The stores of our fathers.

Þú getur notað he, she, eða it.

1. He gives. He is giving.
2. He has. He is having.
3. He does. He is doing.
4. He studies. He is studying.
5. He learns. He is learning.
6. He understands. He is understanding.
7. He speaks. He is speaking.
8. He writes. He is writing.
9. He goes. He is going.
10. He talks. He is talking.