Since 2007 teacher education students in various courses in School of Education in University of Iceland taught by Salvor Gissurardottir have been given the task to write short wikilesson in Icelandic wikibooks This goal of this task is to make students
- experience how wikis works and how Wikipedia and other wikiprojects are built up
- work in a collaborative writing space
- Learn how to present educational content online and how to remix content
- Participate in OER environment where everyone can edit all content
- Learn how to use online learning repositories such as including photos from the Commons and links to Wikipedia articles to include and link their own content
What is wikilesson?
breytaWikilesson is just one page and should include clear and concise and interesting and relevant educational content and link to Wikipedia articles and include photos and illustrations from Commons. It should also include suggested activies for students ether as open questions or quizzes and link to futher studies/resources and sources Here is an example of a wikilesson (showcase from the instructor) about Glerblástur (glass-blowing in history.
Instructions for students writing wikilessons
breytaInstructions written by Salvör Gissurardóttir
What is the difference between wikilesson and wikibook?
breytaWhy have students make wikilessons instead of writing wikipedia articles?
breytaPoster orginally in Wikimedia Education Conference in Donostia-San Sebastian 5-7 April 2019 by Salvör Gissurardóttir