„Að nota OpenOffice - Math“: Munur á milli breytinga

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Khbmeyer (spjall | framlög)
Khbmeyer (spjall | framlög)
Lína 58:
Hér fyrir neðan kemur listi með nokkur dæmi sem má afrita í Math. <br>
deMorgans laws (fyrri regla)[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Morgan's_laws]<br>
<b>overline {A union B} = overline {A} intersection overline{B} </b><br>
Associative laws [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associative]<br>
<b>newline{(p or q ) or r} equiv {p or (q or r) } <br>
newline {p and q }and r equiv {p and(q and r)} </b><br>
Pseudokoði Insertion sort [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort]<br>
<b>procedure insertion sort ( a_{1},a_{2},a_{3},,,,a_{n}: real numbers with n >= 2 )<br>
newline for {j:= 2} "to" {n} <br>
newline i:= 1<br>
Lína 74:
newline ~ a_{j-k} := a_{j-k-1}<br>
newline a_i := m<br>
newline end "{" a_{1},a_{2},,,,a_{n} are sorted "}" </b><br>
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